Thursday, October 4, 2012

Moving? Yes we are!

The process of selling a house is so tenuous and nerve wracking it amazes me that anyone does it at all. If I have my way, I will never sell a house again. Never ever. I know we are fortunate to be in a position to sell and to find a buyer, but all the same -- Yuck!

However it appears that all the appropriate hoops have been jumped through and this sale is a go. And the packing has begun. Some of it is proper and organized, other boxes are a real grab bag. I have to do something to keep the unpacking fun and exciting! Seven more packing days until the movers arrive and I am not quite sure if I am on target to be done on time. Perhaps I will waste time creating a schedule instead of actually packing. Yeah, that sounds good...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Are we really moving?

The next house we buy better be our Forever Home because I am never moving again. Prepping, packing and selling this house is one of the most stressful things I have ever done. I can't help but think working could have been a welcome distraction. It would mean less time to accomplish the necessary tasks, but would also mean less time to stew and brood.

We are at the point in the sales process where the buyer has a couple opportunities to back out. So I am sitting on my hands, afraid to make a move, waiting for the deal to fall apart. Soon we will be out of the woods, and the final packing frenzy will begin. But in the meantime, we wait.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Hello New Blog!

Me? I am a thirty-something, dorky married lady. I love Interior Design, Apple, Dr. Who, Disney, my husband and my cat. I like to plan, especially vacations. Lately there has been a lot of planning and doing. Ch-ch-ch-changes!

I have been wanting a new little home for myself on the interwebs, and this is it! How about a little teaser of things to come?

  • We are moving! We have sold our house in Maryland and are moving to an apartment in Virginia. 
  • Packing, packing and more packing...
  • I have planned a rather epic Disney World vacation that we are taking in November. 
  • One of these days I am going to get a job! Right? Of course! 

So hang around for awhile. There are big things to come.